Thursday, September 10, 2009


hi people sorry i haven't been updating here as often. last week was super dry and i was getting tired of stressing about it. then all the sudden i am crap central for a couple days, coinciding with massive hangovers and the inability to shakespearize my deuce entries. just ten minutes ago i experienced a life changing bowel movement i think i owe it all to that banana i ate yesterday and sashimi dinner, plus red wine. red wine always does it to you i totally forgot about that as i stopped drinking it but monday at fil's parents they opened up this really nice bottle we got them for mothers/fathers/something day and gave us a glass oh man - nice red wine is dangerous cos you will always be seeking out more and more of it and afterward cheaper stuff (albeit still nice) is repulsive and impossible to get through. no matter though all you need is a teeny bit for laxative purposes.

can you become immune to metamucil? or if your body isn't gonna go there's no forcing it?


  1. omg stoned once i sat on the toilet for an hour for no reason. that was a good hour. don't get me started.

  2. LOL... my mother swears by black coffee in the mornign and a cigarette...if you don't smoke-perfect, it's the coffee that works for you anyway.

    PS Anything bitter(ie bitters, dandelion greens, coffee, quinine (in tonic water), unsweetened chocolate, blah, blah)= awesome for digestion ->
    ie, produced more bile to break down things (esp. fats)= better bm's. So those paired with lots of water and your friend fibre = shitastic times.

    Also, you can't get 'immune' to Metamucil, it's fibre. Remember, if you have a high fibre diet, you MUST drink lots of water or you'll become constipated.So remember that, if you are drinking a lot of booze.

    One more thing. YOu prolly go a lot after boozing (initially) because, when your bod tries to digest the copious amounts of alcohol, it sometimes produces a lot of bile. (Have you ever hurled bile on a raunched out hung morning- you know what I mean, then) and that will make you shit your pants..

    Ok done..we have come full circle.

  3. bahahahah great feedback. it didn't occur to me that metamucil could work against me. i barely drink water, only when working out which gets sweated out immediately anyway.
